Our Publications
A Progressive Win in the NDAA
By Ashley Pratt for Fellow Travelers Blog (February 2021)
Changes to banking regulations may seem like an arcane bureaucratic change, but in reality they hand progressives the tools they need to press for global financial transparency – if they choose to do so.
“Nation-Building” Comes to America
By Matt Currie for Inkstick (February 2021)
The Capitol riots are a predictable consequence of the domestic implementation of the same neoliberal “nation-building” policies the United States has spent the past 75 years imposing in other countries.
Climate Justice, not “Energy Security”
By Sam Ratner for Fellow Travelers Blog (January 2021)
Get “energy security” off the Democratic agenda and change the Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources’ job description to focus on achieving climate justice.
De-escalation on the Korean Peninsula
By Catherine Killough for Fellow Travelers Blog (November 2020)
The US government should abandon its demand for the unilateral disarmament of North Korea, and instead pursue the formal conclusion of the Korean War. Halting the deployment of nuclear-capable assets, suspending military exercises, and adopting No First Use will further deescalate tensions.
Kim Jong Un is still alive. What about peace with North Korea?
By Catherine Killough for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (May 2020)
For those who find the status quo unacceptable, peace activism becomes one mode of transformation—to heal, reconnect, and humanize a problem that has become fodder for pundits and wargame enthusiasts.
The US Nuclear Deterrent is Not Prepared for Climate Catastrophe
By Matt Korda for Forbes (Mar. 2020)
By the Pentagon’s own admission, extreme weather events at US nuclear bases are going to happen more frequently––and are going to get worse.
Policy from the People: Introductions
By Sam Ratner for Fellow Travelers (Feb. 2020)
A core priority of progressive foreign policy is democratizing US foreign policy. As such, this new series will bring voices from across the US progressive movement to the blog to discuss the role foreign policy plays in their activism.
Opposing War with Iran is an Environmental Imperative
By Laila Ujayli for Responsible Statecraft (Jan. 2020)
Champions of environmental and human justice must recognize the climate crisis and militarism as partners, rather than isolated evils, in order to truly confront them.
Presidential Candidates Must Promise to Rein in Use of Force
By Ashley Pratt and Susan Nahvi for Common Dreams (Jan. 2020)
The American people need presidential candidates who will vow to use peaceful, constructive means to solve diplomatic disagreements.
How Young People Will Change the Direction of U.S. Foreign Policy in the New Decade
By Matt Korda and Abigail Stowe-Thurston for Responsible Statecraft (Jan. 2020)
As we enter a new decade, let’s embrace the opportunity to reform U.S. foreign policy. Global, structural problems require global, structural solutions.
A Strong Welfare State Could Be A Blow Against Imperialism
By Matt Currie for Jacobin (Dec. 2019)
The US military is a human-maiming, planet-destroying machine. We have to begin rolling it back immediately.
We Need a Green New Deal for Nuclear Weapons
By Matt Korda for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Sept. 2019)
By applying four core principles of the Green New Deal—international cooperation, reductions, transparency, and justice—to nuclear weapons, progressives can begin to craft a plan that seeks to ambitiously and coherently restructure US nuclear policy.
Why it’s time to negotiate a No First Use policy with North Korea
By Abigail Stowe-Thurston for NK News (April 2019)
Taking the DPRK's security concerns seriously should be the first step toward a deal that sticks.